Get support for sustainable recovery and move to a life beyond addiction
Addiction is anything we can’t stop doing, despite the negative consequences.
Typically addiction is a strategy that is adopted as a way to meet unmet needs.
Addiction can present in many forms, including drugs (prescription or illicit), alcohol, sex, gambling, shopping, and relationships codependency.
Because addiction is so cunning, it can appear in the guise of socialised norms, such as:
At Inner Help, we understand addiction is identifiable in three clear markers:
1. No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop the behaviour.
2. The source of relief (people, places, things) to meet an internal need is outside of yourself.
3. The behaviour is harmful to you.
If you recognise these elements in your own experience, now could be the time to connect with us at Inner Help for an initial 20-minute confidential call.
Take the first step today.
The pain of unmet needs, trauma, and being unable to manage the associated emotions are drivers of addiction. What may start in childhood as a fondness for sweet foods (sugar) that provide immediate relief can move upward along a curve to other dependencies to meet the growing addictive need.
All addictions hook us in mentally, emotionally, and physically. They also find us steeped in a social and/or family circle that supports the addiction. A significant part of recovery is recognising and accepting that life beyond addiction is difficult unless you step away from the environment in which the addiction thrives, because this is where the triggers lie.
Moving beyond addiction.
Making initial changes that lead to life beyond addiction can be difficult. You may even feel frightened about the uncertainty of what lies ahead. It is this intersection between the past and future where Inner Help can support recovery and healing.
We understand the familiarity of addiction can prevent us from taking steps to recovery. That’s why we walk alongside you, providing support in the form of:
Inner Help: Our approach to addiction recovery
When we are living in addiction, we may feel addiction is a life sentence and there is no way out. At Inner Help, we want you to know these ideas are not part of our ethos. Instead, our philosophy and approach to addiction recovery is grounded in key principles.
Adam Ducquet is the founder of Inner Help and is a qualified Root Cause Therapy (RCT) practitioner who brings significant lived experience of trauma, addiction, and recovery to support clients living in addiction to walk the road to recovery with humility, posture, and grace.
Combining the proven effectiveness of RCT with a suite of practical resources that support his own recovery, Adam is real and relatable. He works from the premise that if he can survive addiction, his clients can too – with support, education, and a commitment to themselves.